Product Description

More new footage of George solo, with a few upgrades that are GREAT!!! NEW: Bangla Desh Press Conf 1971,
Hamburg 1977, Various race car events in the UK, Australia, Arizona; Fuilm 86, Friar Park, Montreal 2000, Concert
for George and more! Upgrades and longer: George with don ellis 1975, This is Your Life 1999 and more!
21 Chapters Approx 90 minutes
01 710727 Press Conference for Bangla Desh - ABKCO Offices, Broadway, NYC, NY - AP
02 751000 George with Don Ellis on Ravi Shankar's Music Festival From India LP - Beverly Wilshire Hotel, LA, CA - KCET COLOR UPGRADE - LONGER
03 770201 Arrival Hotel Atlantic, Hamburg
04 770206 Interview - France - Les rendez-vous du dimanche LONGER
05 770500 George with Ronnie Peterson and Jackie Stewart - Friar Park, Henley-on-Thames - Superswede
06 780716 George Interview - Brands Hatch Raceway, Brands Hatch UK - Made It Out Alive Teaser
07 790603 Interview - Donnington Park Race Track, Donnington Castle - Motorsports UPGRADE
08 851030 Interview - Adelaide Airport, Adelaide, Australia
09 851102 Interview - Adelaide GP Race Circuit
10 860100 Amanda Ruth - The Everly Brothers - Promo Video with George
11 860422 Ringo and George on Mona Lisa - Film 86
12 871205 West 57th with George Commercial
13 931105 Interview - Adelaide Street Circuit, Adelaide, Australia
14 940410 George at Phoenix International Raceway, Avondale, AZ - 12 News
15 951216 George with Marcelo Santos playing ukuleles - Friar Park, Henley-on-Thames - JN
16 990111 George's Appearance - This is Your Life Damon Hill BBC1 UPGRADE LONGER
17 000616 George at the Montreal Grand Prix, Montreal, Canada - RTL Formula 1
18 021113 George Harrison Brainwashed - AP
19 021129 Concert for George - Royal Albert Hall, London - Rueters
20 021129 Concert for George - Royal Albert Hall, London - AP
21 060801 Olivia at Bangla Desh 35th - MSG NYC, NY - Rueters