Product Description

Studio outtakes, rehearsals, demos, and demixed sound sources that separ
ate vocals and instruments using the latest AI technology, which can be sai
d to be valuable session records of the revolutionary masterpiece album “R
evolver” released by The Beatles in 1966, are summarized in chronological
order. The ultimate rare sound source collection “Recording Sessions Chro
nology” is now available as a 6 CD set! “VOLUME 1” begins with Paul’s “Ex
perimental Tape”, who was interested in avant-garde experiments in March
1966. Includes “Tomorrow Naver Knows”, which is symbolic of the reverse
rotation and tape loop that decorated the end. “VOLUME 2” begins with “An
d Your Bird Can Thing”, followed by “I’m Only Sleeping”, which produced v
arious mix differences, and “Got to Get You”, which introduced a brass sec
tion for the first time. Into My Life”, “Yellow Submarine” with groundbreakin
g sound effects, and “Eleanor Rigby” with separate strings and vocals. “VO
LUME 3” is a demix sound source that separates the vocals and instrument
s of “Good Day Sunshine”, “Here There and Everywhere”, and “She Said S
he Said” at the end of the session. “Alternate Remix Collection” contains re
mixed sound sources different from the regular mix. Includes all album son
gs + Capitol edited mix and a real stereo sound source of the UK mono “To
morrow Naver Knows” (commonly known as Matrix 1), which is known as a
separate mix with a long ending. As with the previous series, the existing r
elated sound sources, including newly discovered upgraded sound source
s and first-appearing latest remix sound sources, are fully covered with the
best quality over a total of 170 tracks in 3 sets of 2 CDs for about 6 hours or
more. The ultimate collector’s item indispensable for Beatles sound source
research that summarizes existing rare sound sources in chronological ord
er! Introducing the latest installment of the hottest studio session culminati
on series, “Revolver”! !
1. AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING (Take 3 False Start)
2. AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING (Take 6 Ending Part)
3. AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING (Take 10 Backing Tracks)
4. AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING (Take 10+6 Bass and Percussion Tracks)
5. AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING (Take 10+6 Vocal Tracks)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London april 26th 1966
6. TAXMAN (Acetate Mix)
9. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Backing Tracks)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London april 27th 1966
10. ELEANOR RIGBY (Studio Chat)
11. ELEANOR RIGBY (Strings Only Tracks)
12. ELEANOR RIGBY (Lead Vocal Tracks)
13. ELEANOR RIGBY (Backing Vocal Tracks)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London april 28/29th 1966
14. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Vibes Rehearsal)
15. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Acoustic Rehearsal Take)
16. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Vocal Edit Tracks)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London april 29th 1966
17. TAXMAN (Acetate Mix Remaster)
18. DOCTOR ROBERT (Acetate Mix Remaster)
Reference Tracks may 1966
19. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Backwards Guitar)
20. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (2016 LOVE Pre-show Reversed Mix)
21. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (2016 LOVE Pre-show Mix)
22. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Guitar Overdub)
23. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Anthology Edit)
24. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Anthology Vocal Edit)
25. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Vocal Tracks)
26. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Alternate Vocal Tracks)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London may 6th 1966
27. FOR NO ONE (Take 1 Monitor Mix)
28. FOR NO ONE (Take 2 Monitor Mix)
29. FOR NO ONE (Take 5 Monitor Mix)
30. FOR NO ONE (Take 6 Monitor Mix)
31. FOR NO ONE (Take 7/8/9 Monitor Mix)
32. FOR NO ONE (Take 10 Backing Tracks)
33. FOR NO ONE (Clavichord Overdub)
34. FOR NO ONE (Clavichord Only Tracks)
35. TAXMAN (Ending Takes 11/12)
36. FOR NO ONE (Vocal Tracks)
37. FOR NO ONE (Take 13 Monitor Mix)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London may 9/16/19th 1966
CD 4
1. GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE (Brass Tracks Edit)
2. GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE (Brass Overdub Tracks)
3. GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE (Vocal and TambourineTracks)
4. GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE (Vocal Only Tracks)
5. GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE (Double Vocal Tracks)
6. GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE (Backing Tracks)
7. GOT TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE (Take 9 Brassless Mix)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London may 18th 1966
8. FOR NO ONE (Bass Only Tracks)
9. FOR NO ONE (Horn Overdub)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London may 19th 1966
10. YELLOW SUBMARINE (Take 1 Studio Chat)
11. YELLOW SUBMARINE (Take 4 Studio Chat)
12. YELLOW SUBMARINE (Backing Tracks)
13. YELLOW SUBMARINE (Vocal Tracks)
14. YELLOW SUBMARINE (Second Vocal and Chorus Tracks)
15. YELLOW SUBMARINE (Sound Effects Overdub)
16. YELLOW SUBMARINE (Take 5 Alternate Stereo Mix)
/ YELLOW SUBMARINE (Take 5 Original Mono Mix)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London may 26th / june 1st 1966
17. I WANT TO TELL YOU (Backing Tracks)
18. I WANT TO TELL YOU (Vocal Tracks Edit)
19. I WANT TO TELL YOU (Vocal Only Tracks)
20. I WANT TO TELL YOU (Bass Tracks)
21. I WANT TO TELL YOU (Original Mono Mix)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London june 2nd/3rd 1966
22. YELLOW SUBMARINE (Original Mono Mix)
23. AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING (Original Mono Mix)
24. I’M ONLY SLEEPING (Original Mono Mix)
26. AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING (Alternate Acetate Mix)
Reference Tracks june 6th 1966
27. ELEANOR RIGBY (Ending Vocal Tracks)
28. ELEANOR RIGBY (Backing Vocal and Strings Tracks)
29. ELEANOR RIGBY (Compressed Mix)
30. ELEANOR RIGBY (Vocal Tracks Acetate Mix)
31. ELEANOR RIGBY (Acetate Mix)
Recorded at Abbey Road Studio, London june 6/7th 1966