Home > Beatles Dvd - Movies And Meditation 1967
Beatles Dvd - Movies And Meditation 1967
Product Description

September thru October 1967! From Magical Mystery Tour home movies and interviews to Favid Frost interview (2nd show complete) to How I won the War premiere and Pul in France - with new finds and upgrades on all!! EVERYTHING! 90 minutes in easy to find chapters!
VIDEO SAMPLE: youtu.be/5sTs78lM0cw
01. September 12: Filming Magical Mystery Tour - Royal Hotel, Teignmouth
02. Filming MMT - Grand Hotel, Plymouth - South West at 6 aired on the 13th
03. Filming MMT - Grand Hotel, Plymouth - Mal Evans Home Movies
04. September 13: Atlantic Hotel, Newquay - Mal Evans Home Movies
05. September 14: Filming MMT - Newquay, Cornwall - Home Movies
06. September 15: Filming MMT - Atlantic Hotel, Newquay - Mal Evans Home Movies
07. Filming MMT on the Bus - Newquay - Film Outtake
08. September 19-24: I Am the Walrus - Air Station, West Malling - Film Outtakes
09. September 24: Your Mother Should Know - Air Station, West Malling - Film Outtakes
10. September 29: David Frost interviews the Maharishi, John & George - Wembley Studios - The Frost Programme (partial)
11. October 4: David Frost interviews John & George - Wembley Studios - The Frost Programme
12. Part 2
13. Partial Upgrade - The Frost Programme
14. October 14: George & Paul Interview - Falsterbohus, Falsterbo, Sweden
15. October 17: The Beatles attend Brian's Memorial - New London Synagogue, London - ITN News
16. October 18: How I Won the War Trailer #1
17. How I Won the War Trailer #2
18. How I Won the War Premiere - Pavililion, London - ITN News
19. How I Won the War Premiere - BBC News
20. The Man Behind the Beatles Richard Lester - Documentary
21. The Beatles Figures Updated at Madame Tussauds - Pathe Newsreel
22. October 30-31: Fool on the Hill Filming Outtakes - Promenade des Anglais, Nice,