Home > Beatles (2/DVD) - Beatles Arrive In Australia
Beatles (2/DVD) - Beatles Arrive In Australia
Product Description

Remastered 2014 upgrade! Color corrected which makes BIG difference - I can say no more. Plus processed in the
highest quality now - example: 8000 is highest level of NO compression which enhances the video - older discs were
at 4000-5000. Now these remasters are at the top at 8000. Plus upgraded technology enhances the video.
Plus new footage added from update DVDS and some upgrades!
This will amaze ANY hardcore fan and at the same time please a casual viewer! Made from every piece known of Sydney and Adelaide footage!
All pieced togeteher perfectly and interviews from the same time of day mixed with music! The blacony appearance with audio! Hours and hours
spent on these latest editions - and after personally viewing - I guarantee you will be amazed of the new footage found (could there really be that much?)
Plus reason being the Beatles made a huge impact downunder - over 300,000 fand greeted them in Adelaide alone - a record - and after watching you will
understand why - finally the Australia footage makes sense! And again - for the first time NEW footage!!! 130 minutes
VIDEO SAMPLE: vimeo.com/161504251
01 April 18-20:John Martin's Rundle Street department store - fans queing for Adelaide tickets that
went on sale the 20th at 7:00AM - ATN & Aussie News PLUS color home movies!
02 June 10: Welcome the Beatles - A H Bandstand Adelaide
03 June 11: Kingsford Smith Airport, Mascot, Sydney - Australian News Coverage
Fans waiting for the Beatles to arrive
04 The Beatles arrive! - Australian News/ Rueters/ Others
05 Beatles Get Aussie Welcome - Movietone News
06 Movietone Raw Footage
07 Beatles Arrive in Sydney Australia - Assoc Press
08 Associated Press Raw Footage
09 Beatles Get Wet Reception in Sydney - Pathe Newsreel
10 Airport arrival, ride to Sheraton Hotel - Rueters/Australian News
11 Press Conference - Complete - Raw News Footage
12 Part Two
01 Press Conference - Sheraton Hotel, Sydney - ATN News
02 Press Conference - National News
03 Press Conference - Australian News
04 June 12: Kingsford Smith Airport, Mascot, Sydney - Australian News +++++++++++TWO CLIPS IN ONE LONG
Plane flight to Adelaide with Bob Rogers
05 Adelaide Airport arrival and drive to Town Hall with balcony appearance
Queen Adelaide Room with Lord Mayor and family
06 Adelaide Airport to Town Hall with balcony appearance - Rueters
07 Adelaide Airport and Town Hall - Australian News
08 Adelaide Airport and Town Hall - Australian News
09 Adelaide Airport and Town Hall to South Australian Hotel - Australian News
10 Arrival at South Australian Hotel - Australian News
11 Press Conference - South Australian Hotel - Complete
12 Press Conference - South Australian Hotel - Australian News