Product Description

1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 10
2 Feb 1967
The Beatles
4-track playback w/commentary by George Martin from "Making Of Sgt. Pepper" TV Special
That Means A Lot (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 23
30 Mar 1965
The Beatles
Pitch correction: -2.9%
That Means A Lot (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 24
30 Mar 1965
The Beatles
Pitch correction: -2.9%
That Means A Lot (Lennon/McCartney)
Test Take
30 Mar 1965
The Beatles
Pitch correction: -2.9%
3. I'm So Tired (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 14
8 Oct 1968
The Beatles
Pitch correction: -6.9% with fine tuning required
4. We Can Work It Out (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 2
20 Oct 1965
The Beatles
take 2 early mix
Take 2, external, with single lead vocal
Source: Lost Lennon Tapes
Pitch correction: +1.2%
5. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 1
1 Feb 1967
The Beatles
4-track playback w/commentary by George Martin from "Making Of Sgt. Pepper" TV Special
6. It's All Too Much (Harrison)
Take 2
2 Jun 1967
The Beatles
Take 2, external, unedited
Pitch correction: +5.7%
7. She's A Woman (Lennon/McCartney)
17 Nov 1964
The Beatles
BBC "Top Gear" Session outtake
Pitch correction: +0.7%
8. Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 9
17 Feb 1967
The Beatles
4-track playback w/commentary by George Martin from "Making of Sgt Pepper" TV special
9. Run For Your Life (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 5
12 Oct 1965
The Beatles
Take 5, external with alternate vocals.
Source: Lost Lennon Tapes
Pitch correction: -0.5%
10. Within You Without You (Harrison)
Take 2
22 Mar 1967
The Beatles
4-track playback w/commentary by George Martin from TV special "Making of sgt Pepper"
11. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 2
21 Oct 1965
The Beatles
Pitch correction: -2.5%
12. Penny Lane (Lennon/McCartney)
9 Jan 1967
The Beatles
Lost Lennon Tape edit
Pitch correction: -2.0%
13. I'm In Love (Lennon/McCartney)
Piano Demo
The Beatles
John Lennon demo, summer 1963.
Some scholars date this as a late seventies piano rendition.
Piano demo acetate
Pitch correction: -3.3%
12-Bar Original (Lennon/McCartney/Harrison/Starkey)
Take 1
4 Nov 1965
The Beatles
Take 1 lasts only 10 seconds before breaking down.
Pitch correction: -3.5%
12-Bar Original (Lennon/McCartney/Harrison/Starkey)
Take 2
4 Nov 1965
The Beatles
Take 2 is a 6:36 performance.
This was recorded live without overdubs and some instruments are hidden in the background.
The take 2 that surfaced is in very poor quality although it's found on stereo on some bootlegs.
A complete take.
Pitch correction: -3.5%
12-Bar Original (Lennon/McCartney/Harrison/Starkey)
4 Nov 1965
The Beatles
Before recording the two takes of 12-Bar Original, The Beatles rehearsed the whole song and taped it.
The two takes were recorded over the rehearsal and we only have about 1:50 left of the end of the rehearsal.
This is a rehearsal that was found on the same tape as the two first takes.
In fact, the first takes were recorded over the rehearsals and this is what remains of these rehearsals.
Pitch correction: -3.5%
15. I Feel Fine (Lennon/McCartney)
17 Nov 1964
The Beatles
BBC "Top Gear" session outtake
Pitch correction: off to 0:48 then -1.3%
16. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 11
(date unknown)
The Beatles
4-track playback w/commentary by George Martin from "Making of Sgt Pepper" TV special
17. The Inner Light (Harrison)
Take 5
12 Jan 1968
The Beatles
Instrumental, external
Pitch correction: off
18. Hold Me Tight (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 20
12 Sep 1963
The Beatles
Debuted on this CD ! Not included on Yellow Dog's "complete" sessions tapes
Pitch correction: -1.9%
19. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 1
19 Jan 1967
The Beatles
4-track playback w/commentary by George Martin from "Making of Sgt Pepper" TV special
20. She Can Talk To Me (Lennon/McCartney)
The Beatles
Recorded early 1968
John's home piano demo
Pitch correction: -5.2%
21. I'm So Tired (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 14
8 Oct 1968
The Beatles
15 oct 1968 mixing session: overdub onto track 8 of take 14 (which was recorded on 8 oct 1968)
Pitch correction: -2.6%
22. Strawberry Fields Forever (Lennon/McCartney)
Demo Sequence
Nov 1966
The Beatles
Kenwood demo: electric guitar composing sequence + mellotron & organ overdubs onto playback of composing sequence.
Note: this is the first appearance of a tape this long, with the second segment. All other iterations prior to this CD were the first section only, and some were incomplete
Pitch correction: -3.6%
Cry Baby Cry (Lennon/McCartney)
Demo Sequence
Dec 1967
The Beatles
Kenwood home demo fragments: piano, piano & mellotron +electric guitar.
At this stage, the demo for CRY BABY CRY included a section which was not used - it became the 'JAI GURU DEVA OM' part of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE -.
This track starts at 0:00 (track 23) but continues to 1:48 of track 24
Across The Universe (Lennon/McCartney)
Home Recording
The Beatles
Kenwood home demo fragments: piano, piano & mellotron +electric guitar.
At this stage, the demo for CRY BABY CRY included a section which was not used - it became the 'JAI GURU DEVA OM' part of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE -.
This track starts at 0:00 (track 23) but continues to 1:48 of track 24
Cry Baby Cry (Lennon/McCartney)
Demo Sequence
Dec 1967
The Beatles
Kenwood home demo fragments: piano, piano & mellotron +electric guitar.
At this stage, the demo for CRY BABY CRY included a section which was not used - it became the 'JAI GURU DEVA OM' part of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE -.
This track starts at 0:00 (track 23) but continues to 1:48 of track 24
Across The Universe (Lennon/McCartney)
Home Recording
The Beatles
Kenwood home demo fragments: piano, piano & mellotron +electric guitar.
At this stage, the demo for CRY BABY CRY included a section which was not used - it became the 'JAI GURU DEVA OM' part of ACROSS THE UNIVERSE -.
This track starts at 0:00 (track 23) but continues to 1:48 of track 24
Cry Baby Cry (Lennon/McCartney)
Demo Sequence
Dec 1967
The Beatles
Happiness Is A Warm Gun (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 65
29 Sep 1968
The Beatles
15 oct 1968 mixing session: overdub onto track 8 of take 65 (recorded on 29 sep 1968)
Starts at 1:49 of track 24, ends at 4:37
25. Rishikesh Tape (unknown)
Mar 1968
The Beatles
From Italian TV news documentary, taken from VHS source.
Pitch correction: -4.0% to 3:44 then dip to -6.6% and back to 4.0%
When The Saints Go Marching In (Black/Purvis)
Mar 1968
The Beatles
Mid-March 1968 - Soundtrack from an Italiian TV segment with the Beatles and Donovan in India
Taken from VHS source.
You Are My Sunshine (Davis/Mitchell)
Mar 1968
The Beatles
Mid-March 1968 - Soundtrack from an Italiian TV segment with the Beatles and Donovan in India
Taken from VHS source.
Jingle Bells (Pierpont)
Mar 1968
The Beatles
Mid-March 1968 - Soundtrack from an Italiian TV segment with the Beatles and Donovan in India
Taken from VHS source.
She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain (Traditional)
Mar 1968
The Beatles
Mid-March 1968 - Soundtrack from an Italiian TV segment with the Beatles and Donovan in India
Taken from VHS source.
Untitled Instrumental (unknown)
Mar 1968
The Beatles
Mid-March 1968 - Soundtrack from an Italiian TV segment with the Beatles and Donovan in India
Taken from VHS source.
Blowin' In The Wind (Dylan)
Mar 1968
The Beatles
Mid-March 1968 - Soundtrack from an Italiian TV segment with the Beatles and Donovan in India
Taken from VHS source.
Hare Krishna (Ragni/Rado/McDermott)
Mar 1968
The Beatles
Mid-March 1968 - Soundtrack from an Italiian TV segment with the Beatles and Donovan in India
Taken from VHS source.
Catch The Wind (Leitch)
Mar 1968
The Beatles
Mid-March 1968 - Soundtrack from an Italiian TV segment with the Beatles and Donovan in India
Taken from VHS source.
26. We Can Work It Out (Lennon/McCartney)
Oct 1965
The Beatles
Paul home demo.
This is the only surviving fragment of this tape. Where it cuts off here, John recorded over it a spoken word piece with background music, entitled "Lucy From Littletown". This iteration was sourced from Lost Lennon Tapes, and cuts off just before Elliot Mintz cuts in.
Pitch correction: -3.2%.