Product Description

1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 10 RM3
6 Mar 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes list this as "Mono mix with louder guitars, recorded on Feb 2, 1967".
On Feb 2, 1967, a mono acetate was cut from Take 10 (RM1). It does not feature any horn overdubs (those were recorded on Mar 3, 1967).
If this is really the mono mix of "Sgt Pepper", then the last overdubs were recorded on March 6, 1967. This date also saw the final mono mixing of the track (RM3).
2. With A Little Help From My Friends (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 11 RM15
30 Mar 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "Mono mixing recorded on 30 Mar 1967".
The final mono mixing (RM15) took place the next morning: Mar 31, 1967.
3. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 8 RM4
2 Mar 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "mono mixing, recorded on Mar 2, 1967".
Final mono mixing on Mar 3, 1967: RM4 (take 8+overdubs)
4. Getting Better (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 15 RM3
3 Mar 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "Mono mixing, recorded Mar 3, 1967".
Final mono mixing on the same date: RM3 (take15+overdubs)
5. Fixing A Hole (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 3 RM3+6
21 Feb 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "Mono mix, recorded Feb 2, 1967".
In fact, "Fixing A Hole" was recorded Feb 21, 1967.
The mono version is an edit of two mono mixes (RM3 & RM6) from Take3+overdubs
6. She's Leaving Home (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 9 RM6
20 Mar 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "Mono mix, plays in a higher key than the stereo mix, recorded on Mar. 20, 67"
Final mono mixing took place on 20 Mar 1967 (editing the tape so it plays higher than the stereo CV)
7. Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney)
RM4 Take 9
17 Feb 1967
The Beatles
Released on
UK: Parlophone PMC 7026 Sgt Pepper 1967.
US: Capitol MAS 3653 Sgt Pepper 1967.
Liner notes: "mono mix, contains more tape loops after "Henry the horse dances the waltz," recorded on Feb. 17, 67".
Latest recordings for this song occured on Mar 31, 1967 (organ and glockenspiel overdubs). On this date, the songs was mixed into mono (RM4)
8. Within You Without You (Harrison)
Take 2 RM3+5
22 Mar 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "mono mix, recorded on Mar. 22, 67".
The final mono mix is an edit of RM3 (featuring part 1) & RM5 (featuring part 2 & 3)
9. When I'm Sixty-Four (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 4 RM8
21 Dec 1966
The Beatles
Liner notes: "Mono mix, recorded on Dec. 8, 66"
Take 2 was completed on Dec 8, 1966 but various overdubs were applied on Dec 8, 20 & 21 and the result was Take 4, a reduction mix from take 2 (+overdubs).
The song was then mixed into mono several times until RM8 (Dec 30, 1966)
10. Lovely Rita (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 11 RM11+14
21 Mar 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "mono mix, recorded on Mar. 21, 67"
The last overdubs were applied to take 11 on Mar 21, 1967. On this day, 15 mono mixes of take 11 were made but the final mono version was the result of the edit of RM11 & RM14.
11. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 11 RM23
29 Mar 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "mono mix, is shorter than the stereo mix, recorded on Feb. 16, 1967"
On Feb 16, 1967, overdubs were added to take 8 (the version available on Anthology 2).
This version (CV mono mix) is Take 11+overdubs (29 Mar 1967) RM23 (19 Apr 1967).
12. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 9 RM9
1 Apr 1967
Liner notes: "mono mix, features John's background comment before Paul's count in and crowd laughter during drumbeat opening, recorded on Apr. 1, 67".
Completely different to the stereo version: you can hear John's comments before the count-in, more crowd sound effects, crowd laughter and, at the end, Paul mumblings.
Recorded and mixed on Apr 1, 1967 (stereo mixing occured on 20 Apr 1967).
13. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 6, 7 & Edit Piece 9 RM9
20 Jan 1967
The Beatles
Commercial mono version.
Found on
Sgt. Pepper's Monomix (Parlophone (Fake) - PMC29567)
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Single) (Capitol - Capitol 2612)
Incomplete when compared to the stereo version.
Liner notes: "mono mix, recorded on Jan. 19, 67"
Take 6 was a reduction mix from take 4, which was recorded on Jan 19, 1967.
On Feb 10, 1967, take 7 was reduced from take 6 and received several overdubs and edit pieces on Feb 10 & 22. Mono mixing was finalized on Feb 22 (the final mono CV is an edit of RM9 with the edit piece #9).
Intro To Sgt. Pepper (unknown)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Lennon/McCartney)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
Billy Shears Applause (unknown)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
15. Only A Northern Song (Harrison)
Take 3 & 11
20 Apr 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "mono mix, rejected song from Sgt. Peppers album, recorded on Feb. 13, 67"
RM6, 21 apr 1967 (synchronisation of takes 3 & 11), copy on 15 nov 1967.
Mono mix of standard version (unreleased officially)
16. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 6, 7, 8
1, 2 Mar 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "Basic track from take 6, the tamboura from take 7 and the chorus vocals from take 8, recorded on Mar. 1 & 2, 67".
Taken from Anthology 2.
17. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 8
8, 16 Feb 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "take 8, recorded on Feb. 8 & 16, 67"
Taken from Anthology 2.
18. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 6
20 Jan 1967
The Beatles
Take 6 features new vocals by John, a bass line, Paul's vocals and Ringo's drums.
Paul's part (from take 6) was edited on take 2 on Anthology 2.
RM1 (30 Jan 1967) is a very rough mix intended for demo acetate.
Liner notes: "take 6, recorded on Jan. 20, 67"
The famous "Oh Shit" version...
19. Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
Liner notes: "take 1, 2 and 7, recorded on Feb. 17 & 20, 67"
Taken from Anthology 2
Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 1
17 Feb 1967
The Beatles
Taken from Anthology 2.
Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 2
17 Feb 1967
The Beatles
Taken from Anthology 2.
Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 7
17 Feb 1967
The Beatles
Taken from Anthology 2.
20. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 5
1 Apr 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "Reprise, take 5, recorded on Apr. 1, 1967"
Taken from Anthology 2.
21. Within You Without You (Harrison)
Take 2
Backing Track
Mar & Apr 1967
The Beatles
Liner notes: "Instrumental, recorded on Mar. 15, 16, 22 and Apr. 3, 67"
Taken from Anthology 2.
22. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)
RS Unknown
Take 6, 7 & Edit Piece 9
20 Jan 1967
The Beatles
This alternate stereo mix (# unknown) is very much like the official release except for some details. John's count in still present.
Unlike the other previous attempts, this one is complete and features the Edit Piece 9 (note that some bootlegs present this version without the edit piece 9)
Liner notes: "With count in by John, recorded on Jan. 20, 67)"
Tilleul's notes:
Probably "Unknown stereo mix, 22 Feb 1967"
1. ~ Band Introductions ~ (Chapter Title)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's 25th anniversary" TV special.
2. The End Of Touring (unknown)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's 25th anniversary" TV special.
3. Strawberry Fields Forever Story (unknown)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's 25th anniversary" TV special.
4. Penny Lane Story (unknown)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's 25th anniversary" TV special.
5. Sessions Story Part 1 (unknown)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's 25th anniversary" TV special.
6. George Martin And Rhavi Shankar And The Beach Boys (unknown)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's 25th anniversary" TV special.
7. Sessions Story Part 2 (unknown)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's 25th anniversary" TV special.
8. Outro ((Chapter Title))
(date unknown)
The Beatles
From "Sgt Pepper's 25th anniversary" TV special.
9. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 8
2 Mar 1967
The Beatles
From the Yellow submarine film, mixed on Nov 1, 1967
10. A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 1, 2, 6 & Edit Piece (?)
19 Jan 1967
The Beatles
The Anthology mix is made from 3 different takes, an alternate mix of the orchestra scale-climbing as well as an edit piece recorded 12 days before the E chord striking on 22 Feb 1967.
0:00 - 0:27: take 1, 19 Jan 1967 ("Sugarplum fairy")
0:27 - 2:45: take 2, 19 Jan 1967
2:45 - 3:49: take 6, 20 Jan 1967 ("Oh Shit!")
3:49 - 4:17: end of take 2, 19 Jan 1967
4:17 - 4:50: orchestral scale-climbing edit piece # unknown, 10 Feb 1967
4:50 - 5:04: alternative end edit piece # unknown, 10 Feb 1967
Taken from Anthology 2
A combination of different previously unreleased takes:
Take 1: 19 Jan 1967 ("Sugarplum fairy")
Take 2: 19 Jan 1967 (all John's parts)
Take 6: 20 Jan 1967 (Paul's part with "Oh shit")
11. Only A Northern Song (Harrison)
Take 3, 12
Feb 1967 + Apr 1967
The Beatles
Taken from Anthology 2
Mix of takes 3 and 12, recorded 13, 14 Feb 1967 and 20 Apr 1967
12. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney)
Jan 1967
The Beatles
Sulpy's HR90
13. Good Morning Good Morning (Lennon/McCartney)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
Animal noises
A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 6, 7
20 Jan 1967
The Beatles
Another stereo mix attempt.
A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 6, 7
20 Jan 1967
The Beatles
A quickly aborted stereo mix.
A Day In The Life (Lennon/McCartney)
Take 6, 7
20 Jan 1967
The Beatles
A stereo mix attempt.
15. Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite! (Lennon/McCartney)
(date unknown)
The Beatles
Unknown version